2023 Calendar - Fun Activities
Sponsored by the Club
Spring 2023:
Beauceron walk on the Plaines D'Abraham, Quebec City. You would like to organize Beaucerons walks in your Province, region or city?? Let the CBC know and we will help you coordinate with your region CBC director and announce it on our FB page.
September 2023:
Canada's Second Beauceron Festival!!
Next September 30th 2023 in Lefebvre, Quebec, Canada: You want to see beaucerons everywhere, learn about beaucerons, show beaucerons, be with beaucerons, see beauceron work, talk beaucerons, enjoy a large amount of beaucerons at one address??? Yes? Wherever your from: East Canada or West Canada and even the USA, then come with your beaucerons or love of beaucerons to the 2023 Beauceron Festival !!!!! More Beaucerons the merrier!!!!
The Festival de Beauceron is an annual event that is a great place to learn about Beaucerons in general, see them do what they do best, practice showing, socialize with other Beaucerons and have fun with your dog. We have activities for everyone, and everything is informal and very relaxed.
Mark your calendars!!